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Mero Cabrilla - Epinephelus guttatus
Cola cuadrada con el margen negro
Puntos rojos por todo el cuerpo
Mero Mantequilla - Cephalopholis cruentata
Cola redondeada sin margen negro
Nassau grouper
Mero cabra mora - Epinephelus adscensionis

Cola cuadrada sin margen negro

Manchas negras dorsales

Mero Mantequilla - Cephalopholis fulva

Cola cuadrada

Exhibe 3 diferentes fases de color:

marron, bi-color y amarillo
Mero Tigre - Mycteroperca tigris

Puntos a través del cuerpo 

líneas blancas diagonales

This is a great place to tell people more about your special day and get them excited to celebrate.

Mero Boca Amarilla - Mycteroperca interstitialis

Cola cuadrada y amplia

Color amarillo en la quijada solamente

This is a great place to tell people more about your special day and get them excited to celebrate.
Guajil prieto - Mycteroperca bonaci

Cola cuadrada y amplia

Marcas blancuzcas a través del cuerpo

This is a great place to tell people more about your special day and get them excited to celebrate.

Guajil Aleta amarilla - Mycteroperca venenosa

Cola cuadrada y con margen negro

Borde de las aletas pectorales amarillo

Juveniles y hembras con color rojo

This is a great place to tell people more about your special day and get them excited to celebrate.
Mero Cherna - Epinephelus striatus

Mancha negra sobre el pedúnculo caudal

5 franjas diagonales grises sobre el cuerpo

Mero Batata - Epinephelus itajara

Cola redondeada

Ojo relativamente pequeño


Algunos de los tipos de meros que habitan en aguas llanas (100 brazas o menos) de Puerto Rico (PR) y la zona económica exclusiva (ZEE)
Red Hind - Epinephelus guttatus

Dark margin of caudal, anal and second dorsal fins
Red spots on body
Can reach 76 cm (30 inches) in length

The capture, possession and sale is prohibited from December 1 to February 28 (29) in PR and west EEZ.

Red Hind - Epinephelus guttatus

Dark margin of caudal, anal and second dorsal fins
Red spots on body
Can reach 76 cm (30 inches) in length

The capture, possession and sale is prohibited from December 1 to February 28(29) in PR and the western EEZ.

Mero Mantequilla - Cephalopholis cruentata
Cola redondeada sin margen negro
4 puntos negros dorsales
Alcanza 33 cm (13 pulgadas) de largo
Mero cabra mora - Epinephelus adscensionis

Cola redondeada sin margen negro

3 Sillines negros dorsales y uno en la base de la cola

Alcanza 62 cm (24 pulgadas) de largo

Mero Mantequilla - Cephalopholis fulva

Puntos oscuros con borde azul

Exhibe 3 diferentes fases de color: marron, bi-color y rojo

Alcanza 39 cm (15 pulgadas) de largo
Tiger - Mycteroperca tigris

Dense brown or red spots on body
Pale diagonal lines

Can reach 100 cm (40 inches) in length

The capture, possession and sale is prohibited from February 1 to April 30 in EEZ.

Tiger - Mycteroperca tigris

Dense brown or red spots on body
Pale diagonal lines

Can reach 100 cm (40 inches) in length
Yellowmouth - Mycteroperca interstitialis 

Straight edge of caudal fin with uniform rays
Yellow jaw and inside of mouth

Can reach 84 cm (33 inches) in length

Yellowmouth - Mycteroperca interstitialis 

Straight edge of caudal fin with uniform rays
Yellow jaw and inside of mouth

Can reach 84 cm (33 inches) in length
Black - Mycteroperca bonaci  

Straight edge of caudal fin with dark wide margin with white border

Squared blotches on body

Can reach 150 cm (60 inches) in length 

The capture, possession and sale is prohibited from February 1 to April 30 in EEZ.

Black - Mycteroperca bonaci  

Straight edge of caudal fin with dark wide margin with white border

Squared blotches on body

Can reach 150 cm (60 inches) in length
Yellowfin - Mycteroperca venenosa

Straight edge of caudal fin with thin dark margin
Yellow edge of pectoral fins

Small red dots on body

Can reach 100 cm (40 inches) in length

The capture, possession and sale is prohibited from February 1 to April 30 in PR and EEZ.

Yellowfin - Mycteroperca venenosa

Straight edge of caudal fin with thin dark margin
Yellow edge of pectoral fins

Small red dots on body

Can reach 100 cm (40 inches) in length
Nassau - Epinephelus striatus

Dark saddle on the base of the tail
5 gray vertical bands on body

Can reach 100 cm (40 inches) in length

The capture, possession and sale is prohibited year round.
Nassau - Epinephelus striatus

Dark saddle on the base of the tail
5 gray vertical bands on body

Can reach 100 cm (40 inches) in length
Goliath - Epinephelus itajara

Caudal fin large and rounded

Eye relatively small

Can reach 250 cm (8 feet) in length

The capture, possession and sale is prohibited year round.
Goliath - Epinephelus itajara

Caudal fin large and rounded

Eye relatively small

Can reach 250 cm (8 feet) in length

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